Coalition to End Child Restraints
Hunger Strike Time Line
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Child C's Poem
Jail Avoided
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February 11, 2002 Jane Scharf a Child and Youth Worker at Dalhousie Group of Homes South Mountain Unit made a complaint to her director Troy McNaughton about mistreatment of the children in the home including improper use of restraints.

On February 12, 2002 Jane sent this complaint in writing to the executive director Lori Beckstead.

On February 15, 2002 Jane was fired for making this complaint to the Office of Children and Family Advocacy on Februray 14, 2002.

On April 4, 2002 the Dalhousie Group of homes got a court order issued by Justice Pedlar, to have photo copies of documents used by Jane Scharf to support her allegation of improper use of restraints returned to them.

Scharf refused to comply with this order because she could not effectively continue her complaint with Children's Aid Society, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Community and Social Services without them.

Scharf told the group home's lawyer, Shane Kelford, that she was prepared to go to jail in protest.

On May 17, 2002 the Coalition to End Child restraints held an information picket at 10 Rideau to demand the discontinuence of child restraints. The event was covered by Canadian Press and the New RO TV. As well interviews were given to CBC, CTC and the Toronto Star which were not published for some unknown reason.

On May 24, 2002 the Justice Pedlar refused to issue a contempt order with incarceration as was requested by Shane Kelford on behalf of the group home.

He said he could put her in jail, he should put her in jail because people should not just go around breaching court orders. But that it is not going to happen because he will assume that she has good intentions.

This event was not covered by the extensive number of media who did interviews about it. This is scary if the Children's Aid Society can supress news.

On June 17, 2002 Jane Scharf will be commencing a hunger strike at 10 Rideau the office of the Ministry of Community and Social Services.