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Monday 17 June 2002 - DAY 1

Today we were interviewed by NewRO and CTV and were put on live air.
We also went into the ministry of community, family and childrens services to ask what they have done in order to stop the child restraints from happening, and it was inconclusive.
We will remain on site, on hunger strike until they prove they have done something about it.
I personally will only be there tonight over night and then  will be heading out to the mayors office in the morning to get his personal response to this issue.
Stay tuned folks.
Until next time...
PSSSTT.. to Janes Friend, thanks so much for the donation, I will use it wisely, and I forget your name at the moment, but will have it up pretty soon.
Sorry about that.... ;(

Tuedsay June 18, 2002, Day 2

Today was another exiting day. I felt pretty good most of the day until the evening I felt faint and weak.
We had many visitors and word is spreading fast.
John left for his walk today. I miss him already. He has been so supportive. His contributions in organizing are invaluable.

Wednesday June 19, 2002-Day 3

I had a very sound sleep last night. No interuptions whatsoever. One homeless First Nations man Wakwiss stayed at the camp last night.
This morning he sang some traditional native songs. One song translated into English mean "Help us Great Spirit for we do not remember where we came from.".
There were many visitors again and many people stopping to show their support,
I have a meeting with the Ministry at 4:15 but reception advised me this morning that there is no change in there position, 
Loads of people are taking the flyer and strips of paper with web and email contact numbers which will help them keep updated.
Well this is all for now. I am writing a letter to the Ombudsman complaining that the Ministry is not following its policies will post tomorrow.

Thursday June 20. 2002 Day 4

Today was another day full of support from people passing bye and those coming to visit.So many offers to help it is filling my heart with determination.
I am getting weak and light headed though. I will visit the clinic tomorrow and get checked by a doctor.
Yesterday afternoon I met with the Ministry and they said there is no change in their position. They asked me how I was and I said I am getting very hungry. This made them very uncomfortable. They say they are monintoring restraint situation. They will not explain what this means. I raised the issue of a small child restraint being taught in the Ministries brand new Behaviour Managment Intervention course. They said they are not responsible for this because they commissioned Robert Smart Centre to do this. I told them I did not think the public would accept that they are not responsible when it was the Ministry who have publicly committed to institute a now BMI program and they are the ones who commissioned Robert Smart. I also said I am going to display parts of this manual to the public.
I tried to meet with them today. They would not met with me but stated that there is no change in their position and they will met me tomorrow at 4:00.
It looks they are digging in to ignore my protest.
I will sign off now and write more tomorrow.

Friday June 21, 2002 Day 5

Today I feel a little better not so dizzy and weak.
This morning something very overwhelming happened this morning. I met one of the parents whose child was killed by restraint in a group home. They were very moved that I was doing this hunger strike and they said they could hardly believe their eyes when they saw my sign "Hunger Strike to End Child Restraints."
I think good things will develop from this chance meeting.
Again many more people stopping to express support. In fact a women from Hawsbury the town John will soon arrive in stopped and said she works in a facility there that houses children who are prone to violent outbursts and they do not use restraint ever.
I also found out that the Behaviour Management Program that the Ministry commission the Robert Smart Center to produce and impelement to group home staff was put on hold. I had complained that this brand new program that was suppose to be the governments response to the coroners report recommending training on how to handle aggression without restaints actually taught "A small child restraint".
I hope my complaint helped put the program on hold. This program had already been put into action and group homes were already being taught so hopefully this program will be pulled and a facility that does not use restraints will be commissioned to teach others how to manage behaviour without restraints.
I have to sign off now more tomorrow.

Monday June 24, 2002 Day 8

Today was a fantastic day. CTV did an interview and it air. It was suppose to be very supportive.
We also had a group of musicians stop by and do a set of fabulous music and they donated the audience money given.
Many people stopping by and showing all kinds of support.
The only down part of the day is worry about John Dunn. He is now in Montreal. He is having a hard time. He needs some more support.
More tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002.

Today was the first day of the G8 summit protests.
Yesterday I was really upset by the Ministry. They are still saying they are monitoring the situation and make no move to resolve the situation. At the end of the conversation they said they could not meet with me again until Friday because they were off for the next two days because of the G8 protest.
I said to them "Oh heaven forbit your safety might be threatened." I had a hard time accepting that they are turning a blind eye to the children they are madated to protect but take every measure to protect themselves even against unlike risk. Everyone else at the Rideau Centre worked even those on the main floor. And we kept our strike going right there on the street.
Last year one window at McDonalds was broken period. Hardly a reason for two days off when they work on the 7th floor.
Anyway on a brighter note there were a group of peddle bikers who rode from Montreal to Ottawa to protest the G8. There were about 150 of them. As they passed the hunger strike they stopped and someone called out Jane and then all the others shouted and cherred and shoke there fist in the air. This was very uplifting for me.
We again have had tons of visters, more press CTV, NEW RO and CBC radio.

June 27, Thursday Day 11

Last night I had a good sleep with no one waking me up. And today was the second day of the summit. The protesters did not pass by today though.
I went ot the doctors for the first time. I was told my blood pressure was a little low but not serious. And that as long as I take electolites it is likely that I will remain stable.
Steady flow of people stopping still with many giving a very strong response.
One man stopped by today and said he spoke to his MPP yesterday and was told that this hunger striker has certainly stirred up contraversy over restaints amongs the MPP's.

June 29, 2002 Day 12

Today was an extrodinary day even though I did not feel well all day.
Canadian Press is doing a article which will be out Sunday. And CTV is doing another interview Sunday.
And I got a call from a staff member of Dalhousie who wants to talk to me out this cause.
And of course the documentary on restraints will be on tomorrow night at 7:00 on W5 which is CTV.
My daughter Kayla is spending the day with me tomorrow and I am looking forward to this time with her.
John Dunn is doing much better in Quebec now. He has met some contacts in Trois Riverier who are going to help him bring attention to his the CAS file disclosure issue.
All for now.

July 15. 2002 Day 29
Today was a very productive day. New RO Tv did an interview which makes the third time they covered the hunger strike. They interviewed Andrea and Richard who are two big supporters of the campaign against restraints.
CBC Radio (English) did an interview today. And CBC TV are still suppose to come to cover it.
Last week in addition to several TV and newspaper interviews I did and interview with the Canadian Medical Association.
And I was interview today for a book on the maginalization of children with behaviour disablities.
I am very satisfied with the amount of coverage and it has all be good except for the first article in the Sun with was a deviation from the Canadian Press article it was based on. A follow up article however in the Sun was very well don.
THe Citizen also did a crappy artilce and now they are working on an editorial which I hope will be more acturate.
The Ministry agreed to give me the statistics on the number of restraints and now the changed their mind and will only give out the number of group homes that have complied with instructions to write and submit a revised restaint policy by December 31, 2001. I cannot accept this as cause to end the strike because the group home I worked in had complied iwth this directive to sumbit a new restraint policy but still contiuned to do restaints full speed ahead.
I am also helping to orgainze a demonstration against the Robert Smart Center on Friday JUly 19, 2002 at 10 am to 12 pm.
Several former and one current resident of Robert Smart will be speaking to the press.
Well this is about all for now. My health is good. I took a two day break and sleep and ate at home this weekend.
I am back on track now and ready to go for the long haul.
Well bye for now I hope it will not be so long before I write again.

Notes so far posted by John Dunn on Day 1 as a supporter.

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